electrical contact cleaner spray

Why do I find and re-use my old mouse from my drawer?

As known by everyone, Apple products have excellent customer experience, no matter the iPhone or the Macbook. I have a Macbook laptop for more than 6 years and it still work fluently. The most I like is the liberation of mouse by the touch pad, even I am using a Photoshop program. There was a period of time and use the Macbook for really long time a day and I found my finger which I was using on the touch pad injuried. Honestly it is’t very painful but when I do the dishes the skins at the end of finger was getting worse. Oh yes, I am the man doing dishes at home. So, I dicided to re-use my Logitech bluetooth mouse, even it is super dirty, especially the wheel. I endured for months until I know something call electrical contact cleaner spray.

Look at the mouse before moving on

Logitech M558The Logitech M558 should design wrong material for the wheel surface. You help me to comment Logitech Support for the issue if the article help you? I think they should order some electrical contact cleaner spray as a free solution for us if they are good service. LOL.

Use the Electrical Contact Cleaner Spray

It is simple to use by 3 steps,

  1. Turn of your mouse;
  2. Spray on the surface of the mouse;
  3. Go and find a cloth something to wipe it;

Done! Easier than doing the dishes, Uh-huh.

It is THIS® Electrical Contact Cleaner by Comma. — This line is an advertisement.

electrical contact cleaner spray

Spray on the surface.

electrical contact cleaner spray

Wipe and done.

electrical contact cleaner spray

Wipe and done.


Thanks for watching! You’ve mastered two crafts which is very important in the whole life.

  1. How to make your wife happy.
  2. How to clean your mouse.

Maybe you can do the #1 and your wife will be happy to do #2.